Department Of Gynaecology
Shanti Mangalick Hospital provides a wide range of healthcare services that meet the needs of women through all the stages of life, starting from pre-conception planning and pregnancy to menopause and beyond. At every stage, we offer personalized care across a comprehensive range of obstetric and gynecological services. The obstetric care at Shanti Mangalick Hospital includes management of both routine and high-risk pregnancies, pre-natal diagnosis and treatment. The Gynecology services include care for all disorders of the female reproductive system, emergency gynecological surgery and educative and supportive services for all the needs of a woman. Specialized care for high-risk pregnancies is provided with doctors and qualified nurses available round the clock.
Do You Have Any Of These Problems ?
अनियमित अथवा अधिक होना मासिक
सफ़ेद पानी (Leucorrhoea) की शिकायत
शरीर (बच्चेदानी) का बाहर आना
पेट में दर्द एवं सूजन
पेशाब सम्बन्धी परेशानी (Urogynaecology)
Procedures Performed
दूरबीन द्वारा एवं बिना टांके के बच्चेदानी का ऑपरेशन
बांझपन की जांच एवं इलाज की सुविधा
बच्चेदानी एवं अण्डाशय के कैंसर की जांच एवं ऑपरेशन की सुविधा
नसबंदी ऑपरेशन को खोलने की सुविधा
नसबंदी ऑपरेशन
बच्चेदानी के छाले की जांच एवं ठंडी और गर्म सिकाई की सुविधा
Normal Delivery
Cesarean Delivery
गर्भपात की सुविधा
कृत्रिम योनि का ऑपरेशन
बच्चेदानी की गांठ का ऑपरेशन
Painless Delivery