Department Of Physiotherapy
The Department of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation at Shanti Mangalick Hospital offers professionally supervised programmes, providing education and counseling services to help patients recover after a serious injury, illness or a surgery. The department aims to promote health and fitness in every patient’s life. It is managed by a team of highly qualified, skilled and experienced physiotherapists who specialize in manual therapy, mobilization, strength training, endurance training, balance training, fitness training, ergonomic advice and many other specialized techniques.
Physiotherapy Facilities
हड्डी ब जोड़ों का दर्द, मांस पेशियों का दर्द
गठिया, कांधा जाम होना, लकवा/फालिज, जोड़ो में अकड़न
मोच, सूजन, हाथ पैरों में दर्द, सुन्नपन
सांस सम्बन्धी परेशानी, रीढ़ की हड्डी ब गर्दन का दर्द
चेहरे का लकवा, मांसपेशियों की कमजोरी
मन्द बुद्धि बच्चों की शारीरिक अछमता
फ्रैक्चर के बाद हड्डी का टेढ़ापन
वजन बढ़ना, योगा, जन्मजात विरूपता
Computerised Equipments
Laser Therapy
Ultrasonic Therapy
Cervical and lumbar traction
Muscle Stimulator
Body Massager
Wax Bath Therapy
Execising Equipments
Weight Loss Machine
Body Electronic Muscle Exerciser
Heat Fermentation
Vacumm Therapy with Diet Consultation