Department Of Orthopaedics
Shanti Mangalick Hospital’s Orthopaedics department is regarded as one of the Best & Top orthopaedics healthcare service provider in India with a legacy of innovation and excellence. The hospital is at the forefront in offering the latest in Orthopaedic treatments and Orthopaedic surgical advancements in India on par with the best centres in the world.
Our Orthopedicians trained at the top centres worldwide, bring with them the latest and best techniques and work in our facilities that have the latest cutting edge technology in terms of equipment’s, operating rooms, recovery areas and advanced physiotherapy facilities.
Procedures Performed
स्पाइन ट्रॉमा सर्जरी
रिवीजन जोड़ प्रत्यारोपण सर्जरी
कंप्लेक्स ट्रोमा सर्जरी
स्पोर्ट्स एवम लिंगामेंट सर्जरी
स्लिप डिस्क सर्जरी
घुटने, कुल्हे एवं कंधों का जोड़ प्रत्यारोपण
दूरवीन का ऑपरेशन
फ्रैक्चर ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस
बोन टी.वी.
रीड की हड्डी का टेढ़ा होना